When the NCGA renovated Poppy Hills Golf Course in 2013, one of the primary purposes of the project was water conservation.
The result was that, upon re-opening in 2014, Poppy Hills had cut water consumption by reducing the area of irrigated turf from 82 to 62 acres. At the same time, 12 acres of natural areas were added, which also cut water usage.
As one would guess, the NCGA is again focusing on water conservation during the current renovation of its other member course Poppy Ridge Golf Course in Livermore.
Recently, architect Jay Blasi stopped by to chat about water conservation and sustainability at Poppy Ridge.
"We are trying to be sustainable. It's a big property out here on the open California landscape,' said Blasi, whose previous work includes U.S. Open venue Chambers Bay in Washington and the recently renovated Golden Gate Park Golf Course in San Francisco. "We're trying to minimize the footage of turf by only using turf where it's needed."
As Blasi noted, it's also about the turf being selected. Earlier, Blasi explained that the new 18-hole course will feature three different types of grasses.
The tees, fairways and green surrounds areas will all be Santa Ana Bermuda grass, which is sod that has been installed.
On the greens complexes themselves, those will be seeded with a new variety of Bentgrass.
The third and final type of grass will be a hydro-seeded Fescue mix. That grass will be featured in the out-of-play areas.
"We think the Bermuda will love this climate," Blasi explained. "The Bermuda loves the heat and requires less water."
The Poppy Ridge plans include the creation of a new 18-hole course, a nine-hole composite course with a few new holes (which is now open) and various improvements to its practice areas including the driving range, which are also again open for members and public use.
The renovation project of the 18-hole course is anticipated to be completed in mid-2025.
The Poppy Ridge project was initiated when it became mandatory to replace the course’s aging irrigation system, which was installed upon its original opening.
To follow along and learn more about the Poppy Ridge renovation, please visit our Renovation blog
You can also learn more by visiting the Poppy Ridge website