When it comes to golf, everyone is on their own personal journey to learn, master or just enjoy golf more. The NCGA supports and promotes golf in Northern California - through course rating, Handicap Index management, rules education, hundreds of events and valuable exclusive golf-related discounts - we have over 1,300 member golf clubs and over 185,000 members. That said, there are tens of thousands of golfers who are not NCGA members and some of them may be interested in joining our community over time.

The past few years, we have seen a growing trend toward new golfers getting into the game as well as getting back into the game. ‘Newbies’ getting into the game are on their own journey of experimenting, practicing, learning everything they can and getting to know the ropes. They have a ways to go before they learn some of the rules, how to score and how to survive playing some holes out on the course.

Somewhere along the journey, a newbie will learn a few rules, some on-course protocol and can confidently play a few holes or 9 or even 18 and keep their score. This is who we call the ‘Learners’ - not that everyone isn't learning, but these so-called Learners are in that stage where they are hungering for knowledge, experience and opportunities. 

They are interested in learning more about golf and actively seeking opportunities to learn and improve. They are likely reading magazines, searching YouTube and other golf-related online content. They may be taking clinics and/or lessons at golf courses. They are frequenting golf stores and purchasing golf equipment and training aids. They may not know about the NCGA, or what a golf Handicap Index is. If they do know, they may think they are not good enough or not ready.

So we created a helpful (free) online golf ‘mini-clinic’ series they can sign up for and take at their own pace. It includes some helpful videos from some of the best NorCal golf professionals, as well as some content we have produced for our NCGA Golf magazine and website. The videos are more than the short tips you see on social media, they are truly 5-10 minute ‘mini-clinics’.

You may know some of these Learners as family members or work colleagues.  

Send this Free Online Skills Clinic along to them, there is no cost or obligation - just some free Learning!