Faces of the NCGA: The Volunteers

Written by Jerry Stewart | May 15, 2020 4:25:04 PM

Due to the Covid-19 virus, the NCGA tournament season is currently suspended through June 1. Among those pining for the return to normalcy are dedicated members of the NCGA’s volunteer corps. We recently caught up with some of our volunteers as they told us what they miss about the game.

Reecy Casamajor

"I miss seeing my friends and seeing them in person instead of on a screen. Also being outside for four hours instead of 20 minutes to the store and home. I miss seeing my friends from other areas at our Legacy events and seeing the pro shop staff that I work with."

Jeanne Lambson

" I miss the suspense of scoring a tournament, the fun of finding out who won, and the joy of passing out the prizes to the happy winners.   One of my favorite presentations ever was giving my own club the Grand Slam award for Sacramento Area League Play.  As a spoof, they were first awarded a picture of Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast.  After the "fun" award, they were given a real trophy.  They had three teams in the top 4 places out of 22 teams in the League Play,  five-tournament, competition in the Sacramento Area.  I think that is a grand slam in anyone's book."   

Cathy Stroh

"I love to golf and be outdoors, hear the birds or watch the turtles in the pond, etc.  But what I am missing most is the socialization after golf with my girlfriends.   Often after lunch we stay at the club and visit, sharing stories or comparing golf stories, laughing with one another and just enjoying one another’s friendship."     

Jane Quiring

" I guess what I miss most is the team spirit.  Whether I’m working on an event for WGANC or participating in a tournament at my club, I love being part of that group effort.  Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but it is always fun to join in with ladies for fun and friendship."